We have something for everyone, and we would love to get to know you. These are some of our ministry opportunities:
We offer seminary-style courses such as Inductive Bible Study Methods, a Theology Training Program (that spans 3 years and covers Bibliology and Hermeneutics, Soteriology, Eschatology, Trinitarianism, and Humanity and Sin), and occasional courses on theology, church history, and practical Christianity.
We are an elder-ruled church. Our elders meet bi-monthly to pray for the church body, to discuss ministries, to express concerns, and to build up one another in the faith.
Our men meet on Wednesday nights and the occassional Saturday mornings to share breakfast and Bible study. We also take part in local mission projects, and we enjoy seasonal fellowships.
We have a wonderful group of people who love to be the first ones to church on Sunday mornings. We gather with the worship team before services start to pray, and then we hand out bulletins, hugs, and smiles.
Our ladies meet on Wednesday nights in rotation with the Men's Ministry and Church wide studies for Bible study and light refreshments. We also have a mission project and a fellowship every other month. Some projects have included collecting baby items for Care Pregnancy Clinic, sending care packages to our missionary family in India, and gathering needed items for displaced Iraqi Christians through Voice of the Martyrs.
Our youth meet every Monday night for Bible study, games, and fellowship. We are currently studying the book of Acts. We enjoy Game Nights at the homes of church members, as well as bowling, laser tag, and the indoor trampoline facility.
We love our CBC kids! We invite children ages 4-12 to attend Children's Church at 9:30am on Sunday mornings, where they will hear Bible stories, play games, and make crafts that help reinforce their understanding of the story.
We also have a CBC Kids Choir. We meet seasonally on Sunday evenings and prepare for special music. We sing and play handbells for the church.
Our worship team consists of individuals who use their singing and playing talents to glorify God. We practice on Sunday mornings at 8:30am, and have occasional Saturday practices before special music. Do you sing? Play an instrument? We would love to have you join us.